Sasquatch are definitely here eastern Washington and northern Idaho. If we share our experiences, we can learn more about them. Yes, the local culture says to keep your experiences to yourself, but look how ridiculous it is that so many of us have been seen Sasquatch, and yet we're afraid to talk about it. It's time to change, to band together, and figure out what the hell is going on.

W.I.B.S. =

Washington-Idaho Bigfoot Search

This is the view from Gypsy Peak, taken by a WIBS member. This is the highest point in Eastern Washington and a place where campers have had huge rocks hurled at them by 8ft. tall hairy, upright creatures.

Join our community


If you share your story with us, we will share what we know about sasquatch in the area with you. We will keep you updated when we receive new sightings in your area. 

We will NOT bug you to come check out your property or share your info with anyone who would. We will not pressure you to publish your report.

We are locally based, so you can be sure your info will not be share with people from other regions. 

What we WILL do is build up a private, local database and share it with people in our region with similar experiences, including you.

We WILL ALSO share any info we can such as how to get them off your property, what to do if you encounter one, and where to go to find more info.


If you would like some camping recommendations, we will help you pick out an audio recorder and choose some campsites where you might hear or even encounter a sasquatch. In return, please let us know what you found.